Palak's letter to withdraw e-commerce VAT

State Minister for Information Technology Junaid
Ahmed Palak has sent a letter to the chairman of the National Board of Revenue
to pull back the seven percent VAT proposition proposed to be e-commerce
business. He told columnists after the formal initiation of 'Tiger Challenge'
in a city hotel on Wednesday.
He said the nation's commerce sector is currently
developing. It is presently market of at any rate thousand million. It is progressively
growing. Again, it is one of the sectors of employment. So it isn't more right
than wrong to force VAT on the part at the present time.
He said that a letter has just been sent to NBR
Chairman Musharraf Hossain to withdraw the VAT proposition proposed to impose e-commerce
in the financial limit for the monetary year 2019-2020. He conversed with the
finance minister about the issue and said he would make a move later.
State Minister for Information Technology
additionally said that the NBR director gave positive confirmation about the
withdrawal of VAT. We're hoping it will be pulled back.
On Thursday, the Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal
introduced a spending proposition for the financial year 2019-2020. He said
that the Budget proposes to force 7.5 percent VAT on the web-based sector in the