HelloDoc - The Virtual Hospital to treat patient at home

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Junaid Ahmed Palak, State Minister for Information and Communication Technology, inaugurated the Virtual Hospital “HelloDoc” on the initiative of Lifestyle Apps in a web-based manner. He inaugurated this virtual hospital on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, at 5:00 pm.

State Minister for Information and Communication Technology Junaid Ahmed Palak said the country is moving ahead with technology. Today, due to the advancement of information and technology, we have achieved to set a virtual hospital. We have now started all communication online. There is no alternative to using technology to provide citizen services at home for all the people of the country. We want to make maximum use of the technology to reach the core needs of 170 million citizens in the country.

Initially, a skilled team of around 42 doctors will provide patients with this platform. At this time of the coroner, when most of the private chambers were closed, about doctors had come forward to take care of patients. From your own home, you can consult a doctor via video conference and teleconference. At the same time, emergency diagnostic tests and emergency ambulance services provided by the doctor can be taken from the same medium at home. There will be a free service through Messenger. The service will be available soon through the mobile app. To get free doctor services online, visit the AmarLab Facebook page.

Link- https://web.facebook.com/amarlab.bd/