Find Coronary Risk Assessment at Home

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As of late, Bangladesh is confronting some genuine difficulties foreseeing with the lethal COVID-19. Startling lockdown is on the way to forestall coronary outbreaks in the nation. The administration has guided people, in general, to keep up good social ways from their homes.

Currently, the Department of Information and Communication Technology has created a website to check the risk of coronavirus online at home.

This website is fair to assess symptoms by some inquiry checking and allows us to know whether you are at risk of getting coronavirus.  If you are in danger, there are recommendations. This risk assessment service can be found on the Website platform ( Information can likewise be accessible at Messenger Group (

State Minister for Information Technology Junaid Ahmed Palak formally propelled the service at an online press conference on Monday, March 30th.

By visiting the link ( a person would know how much Corona is at risk. By responding to different inquiries and giving data, he would find out about its latent capacity dangers. Besides, the proper specialists of the government would have the option to survey the circumstance dependent on the data given by the residents. Data with respect to Corona infection would be gotten through the messenger group.

Junaid Ahmed Palak said that the IEDCR is giving updates about corona infection through public interviews each day. Thousands of phones are also coming to 333 different call centers. Not only that, but millions of calls have also come in those days. There are some typical inquiries of residents.

Many are posing a similar inquiry again and again. We have distinguished these regular inquiries through Machine Learning. I have concocted with a new solution to reduce the pressure on everyone, including doctors, call centers.

"Appropriate information services would lessen the dread of people. The main goal of these initiatives is to make everybody mindful through technology," the minister said.

At the press conference, several initiatives for entrepreneurs in awareness of Corona were highlighted. These initiatives include Corona Action Bot (CAB),, According to the press conference, the Start-up Bangladesh ( platform also has 17 different Innovative Initiative.

Information Technology Secretary NM Ziaul Alam and senior officials of various projects under it have attended the press conference.