Country's Second Space Innovation Summit on July

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Bangladesh Innovation Forum and NASA Problem Solver Bangladesh is organizing the Innovation Summit again.

With the help of space science and aerospace research equipment, alongside the improvement of rocket innovation, making ground stations and urging different revelations identified with this, the venue is set to sit on July 19 and 20.

This summit will be held at the Independent University of Bangladesh in the capital, with two workshops in two days and 16 specialized courses in 4 sessions. Around 24 speakers from outside the nation and the nation will hold this two-day summit.There will also be an exhibition with aerospace research equipment.

State Minister for Information Technology Junaid Ahmed Palak will be the main visitor. In addition, the individual from Bangladesh University Grants Commission Professor Sajjad Hossain and Professor and Head Air Commodore of the MIST Aeronautical Department Md. Abdus Salam will be extraordinary visitors.


The initial two days of the occasion will be from 10 am to 1 pm in the first part of the day, Rocket Technology A2Z and 3 pm to 7 pm toward the evening will be Satellite Making and Communication.

On the second day, from 10 am to 1 pm, there will be Robot for Space Exploration and Carrier at NASA will be from three to seven.

On a primary day, a workshop will be led by 30 individuals with day-long ground station making with satellite following and picture receipt, and on the second day, a multi-day-long workshop on reenactment based rocket making.

There will likewise be a selective shock in the occasion, 60 minutes in length extraordinary event to stamp the 50-year commemoration of Apollo-11 moon travel.

Anyone interested in doing future work on space science and satellites can participate in this Summit.

Summit convener Mahmud Musa said that there will be about 18 seminars in two days to make space science more popular among the youth and to highlight them in science, technology, mathematics and engineering. We hope our youngsters will learn more about the science of space science through this Summit and they will be able to play a role in this future.

Independent University Bangladesh represents as a venue partner in the event in cooperation with Space and Rocket Center Bangladesh and IUBE EE Department.

In order to participate in this event, details will be available at the following address. You can register from the link below.