Bangladesh National Architecture Team created the Covid-19 Tracker

Bangladesh National
Architecture (BNDA) team has come up with a map-based Covid-19 Tracker to monitor the country's Covid-19 situation. The Tracker is straightforward and arranged in
Bengali language. One of its unique features is that it consequently gathers
new and refreshed data over a period.
Minister of State for Information and Communications Technology Junaid Ahmed Palak stated after the online meeting of the Bangladesh National Architecture (BNDA) team progressing the work, he collected data from reliable international sources (, in various formats (maps, summary). , Graphs, charts, etc.).
He also said that besides
searching in Bangla / English, it also shows comparative statistics of
country-wise or different country-transmitted data through charts/graphs. It’s
convenient to acknowledge meaningful information through the tracker so that
people get aware of the pandemic situation. It is also useful for the common
people as a result of displaying information in Bangla.
The BNDA team had a great impact on contributing social Apps in collaboration with ICT department. Earlier, they created the Farmer's App for the Ministry of Food and Agriculture with technical assistance from the ICT department to reduce farmers' time, costs, and harassment. Due to the successful use of the seasonal season, the use of the app has already been extended to 64 Upazilas in 64 districts in Autumn 2020 season.
Insights regarding Covid-19 Tracker can be found here -