Adding new feature "distance-learning facility" to 333: Palak

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To bring all the people under the service, the ICT department has also taken initiative to introduce class facility of feature phones. Therefore, new service is being added to 333 toll-free hunting number. A2I (Access to Information) is creating this platform at the initiative of the Ministry of Education. As a result, it will be possible to know the solution of the syllabus by calling in a few days.

State Minister for Information and Communication Technology Junaid Ahmed Palak said this at the inaugural digital press conference of 'Live Corona Test: Viber Bot' service on Saturday (May 2).

Viber's Asia Pacific Director Anubhav Nair, ICT Secretary NM Ziaul Alam, Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance (LICT) Project Advisor Sami Ahmed, Viber Corona Bot App Developer MCC CEO spoke at the conference.

At present, medical services are being provided by analyzing the condition and condition of more than 4 million people through the communication app, said the state minister for ICT. However, he said that the information is not being published in compliance with the information security policy.

"We don't stop," said Palak. Not sitting for idle. Every day I am trying to use new innovations for the people of Bangladesh. I am taking one initiative after another to bring all the people under digital service.

He further said, “For those who do not have access to internet or TV, we have had a two-and-a-half-hour meeting with the Education Minister, Deputy Minister and Secretaries to conduct the curriculum from 333. It will be possible to launch this service in a few days.”